Remove Nuisance Birds from Your NYC Home

We are NYC's #1 humane bird removal & prevention company serving in all boroughs.

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Treatment Plan

Pre-Planning Steps:

  1. Site Survey - Before any treatment, we determine the species of bird, the size of the flock, and the type of damage they are causing.
  2. Assessment of the Property – the technician will inspect your property to identify any factors that are attracting birds to the area in the first place: the presence of food or water sources, nesting sites, or perches.
  3. Treatment Plan - Based on our assessment, the technician will develop a customized plan to safely and humanely remove the birds, and using recommended methods to prevent their return

Treatment Options:

  1. Clean-Up and Sanitization - we will clean up any bird droppings and sanitize the affected area to reduce health risks.
  2. Exclusion - we will first attempt to exclude birds from the area by installing netting or spikes around the affected area. These are generally non-harmful methods that discourage birds from landing or nesting.
  3. Trapping and Relocation - If exclusion is not possible, we use humane bird traps to capture and relocate the birds to a more suitable location. We may also remove any bird nests or eggs to discourage nesting in the area.
  4. Habitat Modification - We suggest modifying the environment to make it less attractive to birds, such as removing food and water sources or modifying the landscape.
  5. Humane Deterrents - Our bird removal experts may use humane deterrents, such as visual and auditory cues (statues of owls or hawks which are natural predators), to discourage birds from nesting or roosting in the area.
  6. Non-Toxic Solutions - The specialist will use non-toxic solutions to prevent or control bird infestations, avoiding the use of harmful chemicals or pesticides.

Post-Treatment Steps:

  1. Follow-Up – Of course, our bird removal service is guaranteed. if birds come back, we will too, until the problem is solved.

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pigeon removal near me

Humane & Eco-Friendly Bird Control

Here's why you need to control birds outside your home or apartment:

  • Pigeon droppings: Pigeons and other birds can leave behind disgusting droppings that can accumulate on sidewalks, ledges, and other surfaces. Pigeon droppings can even harm paint on cars.
  • Nesting issues: Birds build nests in places like chimneys, ledges, and other places that may be difficult to reach and remove. Nests can be a common cause of structural damage to the house which can weaken the support to both walls and roofs.
  • Noise: Birds can make a lot of noise, especially during mating season, which can be super annoying.
  • Aggressive behavior: Like New Yorkers, some birds can become territorial and aggressive, especially when nesting or during mating season.
  • Disease: Birds can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans: histoplasmosis, salmonellosis, psittacosis, even West Nile Virus. A bird nest also breeds bird mites that can get into your home or apartment and bite. (Mites are often mistaken for bedbugs.)
pigeon removal near me
bird control near me
NYC Pigeon

How to Recognize Pigeons

  • Often blue-grey color with various markers on feathers
  • Has short necks and small heads
  • Makes a cooing call
  • Nests in cracks of walls, inside roofs, top of ledgers that are covered, and under air conditioners protruding from windows.
bird control near me
NYC Pigeon
humane bird removal


  • Large dark bird with black, speckled plumage    
  • Tend to be aggressive in nature
  • Makes loud cackling
  • Can be found nesting in almost any nook or cranny in house
humane bird removal
human bird control service near me
House Sparrow


  • Small with brown and black feathers
  • Often has a small ring or marking around its eye
  • Makes loud, high-pitched warbles
  • Often lives in small, dry spaces
human bird control service near me
House Sparrow