Rat & Mouse Exterminator St. George and Stapleton

Call Ecology Exterminating today at (718) 972-1040 to eliminate rats & mice once and for all. Our services are effective, eco-friendly and guaranteed.

rat & mouse exterminator in st. george and stapleton

Call Ecology Exterminating Service now to quickly exterminate rats and mice from your home or office.

Homeowners in Caselton Corners and Stapleton should hire Ecology Exterminating Service as their rat and mouse exterminator for the following reasons:

  • We use minimal amounts of pesticides so you can rest assure your family and pets are safe.
  • We are a family-owned business with over 50 years of experience in the industry.
  • Our knowledgeable staff is always on hand to answer any questions you may have.
  • Our friendly technicians are dedicated to providing the best service possible.
  • We guarantee our results, so you can have peace of mind that your problem will be solved.
  • We offer year-round service plans to keep your home pest-free year-round.
  • We offer free estimates so you can get an accurate price before committing to the service.

Hiring Ecology Exterminating Service as your rat and mouse exterminator is the best decision you can make for your home. With our years of experience, knowledgeable staff, friendly technicians, and guaranteed results, you can rest assure that your pest problem will be taken care of quickly and efficiently.

rat & mouse exterminator near me
Got Rats And Mice? Call Ecology Exterminating Now!

Best exterminators ever! Got rid of all the pests in no time. Highly recommend!

T. Johnson

Do You Need A Rat & Mouse Exterminator For Your St. George and Stapleton Home?

Are you a homeowner in Caselton Corners or Stapleton? If so, you may need to keep an eye out for rats and mice. These pesky rodents can cause significant damage to a home and spread diseases. The best way to protect your home is to be aware of the signs of an infestation.

Look for the following indicators that you may have a rat or mouse problem:

  • Droppings in drawers, cupboards, and other areas
  • Holes in walls and cabinets
  • Scratching or squeaking sounds coming from walls or ceilings
  • Gnawed furniture or food packaging

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to take action. Contacting a professional rat & mouse exterminator like Ecology Exterminating Service is the best way to eliminate the infestation and protect your home. Don't wait - call Ecology Exterminating Service today!

rat & mouse exterminator near me
Rats And Mice Aren'T Cute Or Nice. Call Ecology Exterminating Today.
St. George and Stapleton

Eliminate Rats & Mice From Your St. George And Stapleton Home.

Living in Caselton Corners/Stapleton, Staten Island brings the possibility of a rat or mouse infestation. It’s important to take proactive steps to prevent and get rid of them naturally. Here are some tips to help you do just that.

  • Keep food in airtight containers, inspect your pantry periodically, and clean up spills quickly.
  • Eliminate water sources by repairing leaking pipes and fixtures, and removing standing water.
  • Block all possible entry points, such as cracks, holes, and gaps in the walls, floors, and around the windows.
  • Trim shrubs and trees away from your home and keep the property clear of debris.
  • Set traps with a combination of peanut butter, cheese, and bacon.
  • Clean surfaces regularly with a disinfectant or diluted bleach solution.

If you’re still having problems, contact a professional. At Ecology Exterminating Service, we offer effective removal of rats & mice infestation with minimal use of pesticides. This way you can keep your home safe and free of rodents.