Roach Exterminator Riverdale and Fieldston

Call Ecology Exterminating today at (718) 972-1040 to eliminate roaches once and for all. Our services are effective, eco-friendly and guaranteed.

roach exterminator in riverdale and fieldston

Call Ecology Exterminating Service now to quickly exterminate roaches from your home or office.

Are you a homeowner in Riverdale looking for a roach exterminator? Look no further than Ecology Exterminating Service! We have been in business for 50 years and our knowledgeable staff is dedicated to providing quality and efficient pest control to our customers.

Our technicians are friendly and always strive to exceed our customers’ expectations. We also guarantee results, so you can be sure that we will get rid of your roach problem. Additionally, we offer year-round service plans and free estimates, so you can have peace of mind knowing that your home is taken care of.

Moreover, we take special care to use minimal pesticides when necessary, which is important for the health of your family and the environment. With Ecology Exterminating Service, you will get reliable and professional service that you can trust. Call us today and get your free estimate!

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Got Roaches? Call Ecology Exterminating Now!

Ecology Exterminating Service is da best!

A.T. Smith
Kingsbridge Heights

Do You Need A Roach Exterminator For Your Riverdale and Fieldston Home?

If you are a homeowner in Riverdale, there are several signs that can help you determine if you have a roach infestation. Here are a few of the most common signs:

  • Seeing live roaches during the day or night
  • Small brown droppings in kitchen cabinets or on countertops
  • A musty odor in your home
  • Small egg casings around your home

If you suspect that you may have a roach infestation in your home, it is important to act quickly. Roaches can spread disease and can cause structural damage to your home. It is best to call a professional roach exterminator, such as Ecology Exterminating Service, as soon as possible to ensure your home and family are safe.

roach exterminator near me
Roaches Are Gross. Call Ecology Exterminating Today.
Riverdale and Fieldston

Eliminate Roaches From Your Riverdale And Fieldston Home.

The sight of roaches in your home is unpleasant and may require an effective solution to get rid of them. Homeowners in Riverdale, Bronx may need to use pesticides to get rid of roaches, however, there are several natural and pesticide-free methods to remove roaches from your home.

The first step is to keep your home clean and dry. Make sure all food is properly sealed and stored away. Use a vacuum cleaner to suck up any roaches or eggs. Additionally, you can use natural roach repellents like bay leaves, cloves or cucumber slices to keep roaches away. Place these items near entryways or any other areas where roaches may congregate.

Another effective way to get rid of roaches is to use diatomaceous earth. This is an all-natural powder that dehydrates roaches and kills them. Just sprinkle it around affected areas and it will do the job.

Finally, you may need to call an exterminator to deal with a severe roach infestation. Ecology Exterminating Service offers effective removal of roaches infestation with minimal use of pesticides. Our experienced professionals are equipped to tackle any size of roaches infestation to help you get your home back to normal.