Ant Exterminator Bedford Stuyvesant

Call Ecology Exterminating today at (718) 972-1040 to eliminate ants once and for all. Our services are effective, eco-friendly and guaranteed.

ant exterminator in bedford stuyvesant

Call Ecology Exterminating Service now to quickly exterminate ants from your home or office.

Bedford Stuyvesant homeowners should consider hiring Ecology Exterminating Service for their ant extermination needs. Our 50 years in business, knowledgeable staff, and friendly technicians make us a top choice for ant extermination. We use minimal pesticides, offer year-round service plans, and guarantee results. As an added bonus, estimates are provided for free.

Our technicians are experts in the field and understand the best strategies to keep ants away. With our knowledge and experience, we can help you create an effective plan to keep your home ant-free.

We also provide year-round service plans to help provide ongoing protection against ants. These plans include regular maintenance and inspections to ensure that ants are kept away from your home.

Our minimal use of pesticides is also a great benefit for Bedford Stuyvesant homeowners. We use natural, effective methods to get rid of ants without causing any harm to the environment.

For Bedford Stuyvesant homeowners looking for a trusted ant exterminator, Ecology Exterminating Service is the perfect choice. We provide efficient ant extermination services, free estimates, and year-round plans to keep your home ant-free.

ant exterminator near me
Got Ants? Call Ecology Exterminating Now!

These guys killed it with my roach problem. Super fast, courteous and great rates!

AJ Brown
East New York

Do You Need an Ant Exterminator For Your Bedford Stuyvesant Home?

Do you think you might have an ant infestation? You're not alone - ants are the number one nuisance pest in the US! If you live in Bedford Stuyvesant and suspect an ant infestation, here are some common signs to look for:

  • Seeing several ants around your home or business
  • Finding ant trails or nests around your property
  • Noticing ant mounds in your yard or garden
  • Unexplained damage to wood, insulation, or other materials

If you recognize any of these signs, the best course of action is to contact a professional ant exterminator. Ecology Exterminating Service is a reliable and experienced ant exterminator that can help you get your ant infestation under control. Don't wait - call them today to protect your home and family from ants!

ant exterminator near me
Ants Are Annoying. Call Ecology Exterminating Today.
Bedford Stuyvesant

Eliminate Ants From Your Bedford Stuyvesant Home.

Ants can be a nuisance for homeowners in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. While it may be tempting to use pesticides, there are ways to get rid of ants naturally with minimal use of chemicals.

  1. Clean up any food sources. Ants are attracted to sweet and sugary foods, so it is important to clean up any crumbs or spills.
  2. Use natural repellents such as essential oils or cayenne pepper.
  3. Plant certain herbs like mint, basil and bay leaves around the house.
  4. Vacuum up any ants you see.
  5. Mix equal parts water and vinegar and spray it on ant trails.
  6. Fill any cracks or crevices where ants may be entering.
  7. Place traps around the house to catch ants.

If these methods do not work, it is best to contact a professional for ant removal. Ecology Exterminating Service offers effective removal of ant infestation with minimal use of pesticides.